Friday, March 26, 2010

The Light Project

So, this project was one of those ones that you get super excited about at the beginning, then you start and it seems to take SO much more time than you had anticipated ... and you get slightly bored with it, looking at it day after day, knowing you should be doing something about it, but the mere thought makes you want to run the other way.  This was one of THOSE projects.  In saying it was one of THOSE projects, doesn't take away from the fact that I am absolutely thrilled with the way it turned out and looking back on it, know the blood, sweat and tears were definitely all worth it.

It started with $4 window frames that I found at a tip in Woodridge (of all places!).  I didn't want to use them in the conventional way - very unlike me I know ;) .  After tossing up many, many ideas, I decided I wanted to make them into a floor lamp - a lamp that had frosted glass .. with dragonflies - that projected on the wall when the light was on.  2 years, a few $$ and many frustrations later - I stood back and watched the dragonflies light up the wall.  Mission accomplished!

Umbrella .. with a twist of irony

I often 'doodle' at work - to get my eyes off the computer screen 
and to keep my hands moving ... 
the idea for this picture started as a work doodle .. 

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Parallel Creativity

The other day, I thought I would use some of the beautiful Japanese paper that a good friend had given me - I wanted to make a wall of butterflies.  I have a light made from 3 old window frames, that I had frosted with dragonfly images, to cast shadows over the wall when the light was on.  I thought I'd continue with the shadow casting, and position the butterflies so they appear to be flying from out of the light.. casting shadows as they go. 
A few days later, I was 'surfing the net' looking for images of inspiration, and I found an image of butterfly cut outs dotted along a wall ...  parallel creativity ...

My butterfly wall ... 

The image I found a few days 
after I had created my butterfly wall...

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Fridge Project .... completed

The fridge has turned out better than I could have hoped.  I started on the contact - and it didn't go too bad.  In hind sight, I should have made sure both the contact and the lace were completely flat - but not to worry.  I was quite confident after the initial spray on contact, so decided to take a jump in the deep end.... and go direct onto the fridge.

Lucky my husband was around ... adding great ideas - like taking the doors off ... making things so much easier.

After making sure the lace was tight and very flat (with no bumps or lumps), and with my heart in my mouth, I made the first spray.  We did the freezer half of the door first .. the anticipation of the big reveal was killing me!  But I had learnt that you need to be patient with these things (which is very, very hard for me).  So I kept myself busy with other things... like taping up the other half of the door.  Drum roll please.....I carefully peeled back the lace....  it looked great!!!!  

Even my husband reluctantly agreed that it actually looked better than he had imagined.  So we did the second half of the door... turned out great (I accidently had the pattern going the opposite way, but I think this actually made for a better effect - let's say it was meant to be that way .. hehe)

Friday, March 19, 2010

A Calendar!!

Not that I like keeping a track of time, but I do love calendars - any one year, I could have as many as 10 calendars throughout the house.. Pair this with my love of keys & keyholes & I have found my perfect calendar.. 

Fallen in Love

I have fallen in love with these ceramic pieces of art ....  I LOVE keys & keyholes .. the old kind, the antique kind - you see ornate keyplates, with a single keyhole... a hole of darkness, of mystery .. with secrets and many a drama gone on behind it - and then you have the key.. The key that can open anything ... and the anticipation of what could be found once that key enters the keyhole, turns and you hear that 'click' of the lock letting go...


Wish List

You know how you always have a 'must have' on your wish list.. this is mine.. I have always envisaged my studio having an old plan drawer/architects drawer in the corner - oozing with character.  I'm just hoping
the furniture fairy drops it off to my a 
gesture of good will... hhhhmm, unlikely?

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Art at The Cavern, Nobbys Beach

This is an installation I have up 
at The Cavern for the month of March... 
one piece sold already :)

My New Mantra

I think this is something I am going to have 
to hang on my wall.....a whole wall.. hehe

Monday, March 15, 2010

Fridge Project

This is my inspiration for updating our fridge.. which is starting
to look a little dated.  While it's not as cool as the 'oldskool' SMEG,
I imagine it will look just as great once I'm finished..

I've armed myself with a swag of lace - in a wave like geometric 
pattern, rather than the traditional floral patterns that are so common.
I have a can of 'plastic paint', in fire engine red...and a roll of clear contact.  

I may have had past experiences of blinding creativity that 
didn't quite turn out how I had envisaged.  For this reason, my 
husband has persuaded me to use contact (which is a great idea, 
because I can keep changing and updating!) so I can try it and 
if it doesn't quite go to plan, we can go back to the boring, yellowing
 fridge we are forced to look at daily.

As a back up plan, I have a tin of blackboard paint, which I think
would also work wonderfully to add some character to our home.

Timber Carving

I have always wanted to try carving timber, and these beautiful little birds are great inspiration for my first project.. can't wait to try these

Creative Tea Bags... too cute to drink

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Bow Tree

This is my latest creation..lead & coloured pencil on plywood. Enjoy